
In a Groove

  I have no idea why this is such a tiny picture.  I took it with the same camera as the rest of the pictures in this post, and I did not edit it.  If I enlarge it, it is nothing but huge pixels.  I'm including it because, even though it is tiny, it has about 3 of my kids during one of our Couch to 5K running sessions. We've now run consistently for 2 weeks!!  Several of the kids and I opted to repeat week one, and if we keep that pace, we will complete the 6-week program in 12 weeks instead, but I don't care about taking so long.  I'm just happy that we're getting out and being consistent. The kids have the 50 states and capitals memorized (not Lola, though, I hope she's absorbing what she can by listening), so I printed blackline maps and assigned the kids to trace the shapes of the states.  Over the course of the rest of the week, I had them fill in all of the states and capitals. Lola was working.  Beowulf was struggling. Working on their map...

We Got a New-to-Us Minivan (edited)

 I've been writing and writing about car troubles this year, and we were finally done in by our teen car.  The current set of necessary repairs were to cost more than we paid for the car originally, so we decided to donate it to a veteran's organization, and I spent the week shuttling people to and from work. I don't mind serving them at all, but the time it took felt like it took over my mind, my body, and my schedule.  I started to feel sick and exhausted, and I struggled to get normal things done.  I eventually said to Sir Walter Scott, "The girls are free on Friday to babysit.  We are going car shopping, and we are not coming home without a car!" We are 2 years and 2 months away from fitting "the whole family" at home into an 8-passenger minivan, so we decided to go that route, and then when we don't need our full-size van we'll trade that for the pick-up truck Sir Walter Scott craves. I remember choosing to buy a 15-passenger van (despite ou...

Gardening, Writing, and Singing

 In many ways, it was a typical week for us. Morning Meetings Daily school readings and oral narrations A written narration An art project A hike A show Time playing outside Chores Bedtime reading Church activities The weather included a blizzard, 60-degree sunny skies, ice, and fierce wind.  I got out into the garden and the kids got some football and basketball in on Monday after school. I ordered raised beds because our garden beds are hard to work in.  It reduces the planting space, but it's already making the space more accessible, so I think it will be good for productivity. Helping me dig out compost We spent Tuesday and Wednesday indoors because of the weather, and we finished The Taming of the Shrew .  Because I love the Zeffirelli version so much, I rented it quickly, and we settled in for some good fun. Interestingly, it doesn't translate well for our modern sentiments.  This batch of younger kids watched Petruchio's abuse with very serious faces, and...

It Feels Like Spring!!

 I don't have many pictures of the kids outside, but they spent hours outdoors every day!   Basketball Bike riding Reading Walking aimlessly (Mister Man says so) Sunbathing Walking pets Archery Furniture refinishing (that's Lola) She found this little table on the side of the road and asked if she could have it. I was reluctant until I realized how little it really is, so I changed my mind and became delighted with this project to share with her. We are sanding it together now.  Next steps will come soon. There was a teeny bit of continued convalescing, too. I've been out in the garden. I ordered raised garden beds because our current layout is really hard to work with. The kids put them together. I took Nature Angel to apply for a passport! We finally had an American Rhythm show! Rock and Roll is Here to Stay Rockin' Robin Surfin' USA Rocky Top There are so many more dances to get pictures of! The kids did a great job, and the audience was so, so pleased to watch t...

The Second Wave of Cancellations . . . and We All Got the Flu

 We were in the middle of the frigid cold and snowstorms that descended upon the country this past week. All of the local schools were closed for the whole week! Which affects us because if the schools are closed then:      *seminary is canceled.      *church activities are canceled.      *Civil Air Patrol is canceled.      *library hours are modified . . . or the library is closed.      *and sometimes our American Rhythms shows are postponed--in this case we had to postpone         because of illness throughout the entire group. And we were part of that sickness. Fevers/Chills Fatigue Dry, hacking coughs Congestion Body aches Headaches Loss of appetite It was rough enough that most of the kids stopped eating (Beowulf skipped cake the first night and then didn't eat for over a day after that.  Lola survived for several days on nothing but water and 3 bites of chicken and rice.)....