In a Groove

I have no idea why this is such a tiny picture. I took it with the same camera as the rest of the pictures in this post, and I did not edit it. If I enlarge it, it is nothing but huge pixels. I'm including it because, even though it is tiny, it has about 3 of my kids during one of our Couch to 5K running sessions. We've now run consistently for 2 weeks!! Several of the kids and I opted to repeat week one, and if we keep that pace, we will complete the 6-week program in 12 weeks instead, but I don't care about taking so long. I'm just happy that we're getting out and being consistent. The kids have the 50 states and capitals memorized (not Lola, though, I hope she's absorbing what she can by listening), so I printed blackline maps and assigned the kids to trace the shapes of the states. Over the course of the rest of the week, I had them fill in all of the states and capitals. Lola was working. Beowulf was struggling. Working on their map...