Brother's Got Stitches in His Wrists

 It was NOT a suicide attempt.

He was actually trying to redirect anger at me (I interrupted his self-designed morning workout to remind him to do his chores) to another place.

Which is good!

Unfortunately, he chose to smash both hands into the bathroom window.  It shattered and cut his wrists in several places.

Which is bad.

Sir Walter Scott was home, so he checked out the cuts and bleeding, reporting to me that a stitch or two might be a good idea.  I texted him Brother's med list, psychiatrist's name, case manager's name and phone number, and list of diagnoses.  Thus armed, he and Brother were the first in line at urgent care for the day.

Two stitches, some derma bond, a handful of Steri-Strips, and a tetanus booster later, they were home.

Nature Angel and Little Princess handled breakfast and Morning Meeting while I cleaned up all of the broken glass . . . so thoroughly!

Not all of our days were like that, but it was a rough week because I signed myself up for more than I should have for dance.  I made sure I did school with the high schoolers, but the younger kids had long free days while I sewed and ran errands.

Plus, we had our church Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat, so all of the kids' costumes had to be done by Tuesday evening.

This is the dress that earned Nature Angel her .5 credit in Fashion Design!

Little Princess was not feeling Halloween this year.  To quote her directly, "I just grabbed a prom dress out of the basement."

Ladybug chose to be Maruca Chebota--a character in the Keepers of the Lost Cities book series.

Mister Man was Paul, a Pokemon trainer.

Brother was a nurse--just like Dad!  

Beowulf was Trubbish--a Pokemon character.

Lola was the queen of the Mudwing dragons--from the Wings of Fire book series.  Nature Angel made her wings!

Baymax was Brawly, a Pokemon trainer.

Everyone had a very good time at the dinner, the activities, and gathering a good haul of candy.

We did start a new Latin memorization project, and we updated our grammar chart, too.  I read aloud from The Phantom Tollbooth as much as I could (I think we're going to finish it tonight).  

And here's a random picture I took of the high schoolers expanding and discussing a history lesson.

It's not posed!

My mom kindly offered to help with some of the sewing I over-committed myself to, and I gratefully passed supplies for 7 tulle skirts to her.  With the 11 I've made so far, plus her 7, I only have 4 more to get done by Thursday!  

Thursday was all about dancing--rehearsing, sewing, rehearsing, gathering accessories, rehearsing, handing out more costumes, and rehearsing.  We have dress rehearsals next week, two performances in November, and then we're done until January.


Sugar Bear and The Munchkin's mom brought over a dozen pie pumpkins left over from her work that I am delighted to have, but the kids want me to come up with something fun to do with them.

I'm off to examine Pinterest boards!


  1. The costumes are great. Nature Angel's dress is amazing. WOW!
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Wowza to the green dress! I'm very impressed. That doesn't look like easy fabric to work with. The dragon wings turned out great, too. The Wings of Fire books are popular at school.

    I'm glad your mom was able to pitch in with the skirts. And tulle? Bleh. Not my fav to work with, either. (I guess I'm kind of a fair weather seamstress. I like easy fabrics and straight lines, lol.)


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