Assessment 2020-21: Nature Angel


Nature Angel turned 14.  
She finished 8th grade.  

It's the end of an era and the beginning of another for my beautiful angel girl.

Nature Angel--8th grade:
     Astronomy, Master Books
     Modern World and American History through Literature, Beautiful Feet Books
     Ancient History, Mystery of History
Language Arts 8, Oak Meadow
Algebra 1/2, Saxon
General Science, Apologia
Elementary Greek Year 2, Memoria Press; Book of Mormon in Greek
Book of Mormon
Notice there is no plan for working full time as a childcare provider.  That's because we had no idea how our school life would change during the 2020-21 school year.

We soldiered through the plan as written when there were first 1 then 2 toddlers.  When we added both an infant and another toddler to the mix, the plan broke down, and we had to make some changes--namely dropping some of these studies and replacing them with the practical skill development that comes with caring for small children:  Nature Angel learned about infant/toddler nutrition, patience, self-care in stressful times, scheduling, child development, problem-solving, first aid and safety, and many other harder to name skills.

Colloquium broke down utterly by the end of the first semester.
We did complete at least 1/3 of the astronomy readings, and we did some really enjoyable night sky observations.  These studies were supposed to be Nature Angel's first high school credit; it is a true disappointment to her that we were unable to complete it together.  Nonetheless, it was not interesting enough for her to carve out the time to study on her own.

Modern World and American History:
We spent the first semester actually following the lessons as outlined in the Beautiful Feet Teacher Guide--including research, discussions, and essays.  I put the teacher guide away the second semester and moved the literature selections to Bedtime Read Aloud.  Some of the readings were a little hard on our younger kids, but they were powerful for us all.  Between what I knew personally about modern history, what we could look up as we read, and the literature itself, I feel that we completed a thought-provoking, mind-expanding history experience.

Ancient History:
The Mystery of History books are so interesting, but the first one is so, so, so basic!  We used it as a spine to prompt deeper lessons with research and extra reading during the first semester . . . and then we dropped it completely . . . somewhere after Isaiah but before the rise of Athens and Sparta.
Nature Angel is one of those self-driven people who cannot help but do their very best work--even when no one is looking.  I actually have to encourage her to be gentle with herself instead of push her to do her best.  That said, she totally rocked her Oak Meadow Language Arts 8 curriculum.  It was hard.  She put her whole self into it.  She did truly outstanding work in her essays, projects, and vocabulary and grammar assignments.

Saxon Algebra 1/2 was not fun--math is not her love--but she did quality work, finished the text, and mastered all of the skills taught.

General Science actually was fun for Nature Angel.  (All 5 of my kids who have completed this text have said it is their favorite Apologia science book.)  She worked hard.   She aced the tests.  She learned some interesting science.

Accent placement makes Nature Angel crazy, but she loves Greek so very much.  She longs to visit Greece someday, and her dual study of modern Greek via Duolingo and her Greek Book of Mormon, combined with her Koine Greek study with Memoria Press is giving her a wonderful balance of skills.  She set personal study goals for modern Greek each month, and she completed all of Elementary Greek Level 2 this year.
Because I switched Academy from a separate school time to meal times, Nature Angel was present and participated in many of our readings and discussions.   Though the picture books were technically below her study level, they included many facts and ideas appropriate for all ages, and she often shared a sense of wonder at the beauty of this earth and its people.
Nature Angel draws, paints, crochets, does yoga, and practices the piano in her free time.  In none of these areas does she take formal lessons.  She simply watches videos to inspire her, studies on her own, sets goals, and goes to work.  She has also taken over birthday cake decorating for our family, and the cakes are super cute! 

She's a born teacher, but she says the idea of becoming a teacher is not attractive at all.  I find that funny!  She is almost unable to be around children without teaching them in gentle, attractive ways.

Nothing keeps Nature Angel from her personal study of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  She's as faithful as they come, and she serves God and His children with her whole heart.  I know no one who serves as naturally and as lovingly as Nature Angel.  Her heart is good and pure, and she's growing into a young woman of wisdom, knowledge, and integrity.


  1. Your love for her shines through these words. She sounds like a delight!

  2. What a delightful young lady. She is a joy to read about.
    Blessings, Dawn


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