A Week, Briefly (7/19/21)

I am tired.

So tired.

I can't do it.

I have to be still.

This week we read another dozen stories from The Lion Storyteller Bedtime Book.

We went to a spray park one morning.

I reserved 20 or so books at the library for our geography read alouds for when school starts.  We're going to start in Mexico.
I've made the decision that Nature Angel and Little Princess are going to choose one or two subjects to start on August 2nd.  They can work slowly through them--doing what they can as they babysit--just kind of getting a head start on the school year. 

The rest of us are not going to start until I get the kids' bathroom finished.  The shower is done, the walls are almost done, then floors, then trim, then building the vanity, then installing the sink and light fixtures.  It sounds simple here, but I made a 3 page detailed list so that I could choose small tasks and cross them off frequently.  I don't want to lose momentum.

I did a lot of ordering of construction supplies this week.

I called the police to help me find Brother.

*sigh*  I am forever losing momentum.

I held children in the throes of tantrums that consumed their bodies.

We took good care of our daycare babies.  Oh!  How we all love them!
I completed a few more homeschool book orders and made a few new pages in my spreadsheet to get a sense of what we're doing, what we have, what we need, and whether it is right.
The kids shucked some corn for dinner.
We spent time inside.

I took a child to the store to apologize for stealing and to pay for what was taken.  The cashier was kind.  My child seemed relieved.  How I pray this is the beginning and the end of this problem.
Nature Angel has been experimenting with watercolor.  This photo was from the first lesson about mixing colors and stroke techniques.

She's been designing bullet journal pages, too, but I don't have pictures of those projects . .  yet.

Today my teens and tween got to go out and have a little girly fun.  They shopped and bought treats and had a silly photo shoot in the artificial flower department of a craft store.

It was rough at home while they were gone (even though I was blessed to have a neighbor come sit with us for a few hours and then to have my dad take her place), and when the girls came home, the whole house just came to life with freshness and giggles and joy and fun.

I am so grateful they got that time together.

Sir Walter Scott and I had a date on Friday night, so we got a little time away, too.

I woke up feeling ready to tackle the day, but it took 3 of us to settle Brother and Beowulf down before breakfast, and they've both been breaking down all day.  

This is a crazy hard season.

We have 2 psych intake appointments next week . . . here's hoping for awesomeness!


  1. No one truly understands the exhaustion. Praying for you all. I am glad you got out on a little date. I remember one date years ago when my husband and I fell asleep waiting for our dinner to arrive. The waiter must have thought we were nuts.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I'm so glad you and SWS got a date!

    The flower pictures made me smile.


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