A Week, Briefly (6/7/21)

Ways this week will be memorable:

Four more kids came down with the stomach bug.
A storm knocked out power for over 60,000 residents of our city--including ours.  We were in the group that got power back after 20 hours.

Our BCBA finally got to see Brother in full blown defiant/aggressive mode.

The kids set up a vet clinic for their stuffed animals.  They played for hours! 

Little Mister Frog took all week to recover from the same stomach bug that only affected my kids for 24-48 hours.  He spent most of the week on my lap during school because he was too exhausted to play for very long.

This is The Munchkin with Nugget.  The Munchkin has a particular gift for loving babies.  At 2 1/2 he sets a really good example for the other kids!

Strawberries and mulberries are both ripe and available in our yard.  The kids foraged for their own snacks almost every day.

It's officially hot here.

We're crossing the 90 degree mark every day.  Kids are engaging in water play or seeking shade for quiet play.  Not pictured is a whole lot of sidewalk chalk art.

We had to miss the park day with friends because of sick kids.  I promised a spray park day ASAP.  So we loaded up 8 of my kids and all 5 of our babies, and had a lovely morning in spite of the astonishing crowd.

Ladybug has a passion for doing hair.  She practices on me as much as possible.  She was thrilled to have a long opportunity when the power was out after the storm while I sat reading stories to everyone.

Nature Angel finished crocheting her gift to Mister Man--such a cute, cute Toothless!!!

Complete with broken and mended tail!

Mister Man finished the 3rd of 4 literature studies scheduled for his school year.  He's such a voracious reader on his own who processes books through narration and imaginative play that I'm not requiring him to complete the 4th study (Charlotte's Web--a book we've read and experienced twice already). 

It was a battle that literally involved blood, sweat, and tears, but Beowulf finished his 4th of 5 arithmetic books for grade 2 arithmetic.

We had emergencies and situations that kept me from reading aloud to the kids during most of our elevenses and lunches.  However, we made up for it when the power was out, and we read a huge pile of books, including these from our nature study/geography shelf.

I had an emergency dental visit due to a broken crown and broken tooth.  I've been referred to an oral surgeon for the extraction, and then I'll have to have a bridge made to fill in the gap. 

I never recorded that we finished The Twenty-One Balloons, but we did that a week or so ago.  This week we both finished The Wild Robot Escapes and started Listening for Lions.  We've been having really good reads lately!

We are supposed to have kids performing a clogging number with a traveling clogging group coming to our area.  We're a little unclear on the details, so I'm not sure if it's going to happen or not.

All of the kids have had the stomach bug except for Beowulf.  I wonder if he'll get it.  Sir Walter Scott and I have also escaped it thus far . . . the week ahead could be very interesting!!


  1. Beautiful hair! Thanks for all this--always fun to read!

  2. Ladybug did a lovely job on your hair. The park day looks wonderful. It is so nice to get out in the sun after a stomach bug. I am so sorry about your tooth. That much be so painful.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Ugh, dental stuff is no fun!

    The vet clinic is awesome! Shriners did an animal hospital one year after Walk For Love, with stations where the stuffed animal got various things checked out.

    I love the way you just casually drop, "Oh, and I took 13 kids to the park..." LOL! I don't know that I've ever done that.


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