A Week, Briefly (6-14-21)

 “If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.”

Margaret Atwood, Lady Oracle

 Here are some nice things I can say:

     *We read some Ananse stories
     *We continued reading Listening for Lions
     *We cuddled lots of babies
     *Belle and Nature Angel were able to go to the amusement park/water park for a summer play day
     *Nature Angel finished her entire language arts curriculum for the year
     *The kids like watering the garden
     *There are such things as painkillers and antibiotics
     *We switched to our summer school schedule of play in the mornings, school in the afternoons
     *I've begun our yearly assessments
     *We had a nice morning at the park
     *No one threw up
     *I started installing the tile in my bathroom
     *The house is all clean for Father's Day--we're hosting extended family
     *I am married to the love of my life, who is a truly outstanding father
     *I have an awfully nice father of my own

Beowulf is getting quite good at finding natural treasures when we're out and about.


Water play . . . every day!

Nature Angel had to create a series of pictures from the book Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan.  She agonized over how to represent the scenes, spending at least a month starting, stopping, pondering, and working again on each one.  I love her work.

And last, but not least, as I face the week ahead . . . 

Anne of Green Gables quote, "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new  day... LM Montgomery - 8 x 10 PDF - Wisdom Wit Quotes | Frases  inspiracionais, Frases apaixonadas,


  1. Oh, what lovely artwork! I confess, I'm envious of her talent. I bought myself a watercolor book, and I'm hoping to play with it after the kids head back to school in the fall. The picture with the fruit and the braids is just incredible.

    Sounds like you've had a rough week. Here's hoping this week is better for you & yours.


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