A Week, Briefly (12/21/20)

I hope everyone had a merry Christmas! Ours was a week of ups and downs, but really there were more ups than downs. We had zero formal school. We read. Here's the stack of Christmas picture books we read this month: Not all of them are Christmas books, i.e., The Thank You Book , but they were all books that felt like a good idea this season. The Jan Brett books were odd--they won't make it back on our list for next year, but The Story of Holly & Ivy and Dasher are treasures. Silent Night, Holy Night made everyone cry. We also finished reading Pippi Longstocking , we read an odd little book called The True Gift of Christmas by Patricia MacLachlan, and we're renewing our efforts to read Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry . We got all the way to the Christmas story chapters in The Jesus Storybook Bible, and we'll finish reading the New Testament chapters of this favorite, favorite book of ours in the coming weeks. ...