In a Word

"Our goal when we teach our children to pray is for them to want God to write upon their hearts and be willing then to go and do what God asks of them."
~Henry B. Eyring (italics mine)

I didn't mean to choose a word for the year, but it is in my mind nonetheless.

The word is write.

I want to have the Lord's will for me written upon my heart.

I want to write what inspiration and blessings and struggles come this year that I may remember.

I want to help my kids write--their thoughts, their memories, their ideas.  That has been a decided weakness of our homeschool that I feel strongly inclined to mend.

And as it is written, I long to go and do what God asks of me.


  1. Isn't it interesting when we aren't looking for something and yet we find it? I had a similar experience. No plan for a word this year, but as a conversation with a friend happened I had a distinct impression. My year is to focus on this idea: "Be an ocean of calm serenity." With it came the thought that if I am an ocean of peace I can soften the emotional explosions of my children as they are growing, changing, struggling, and stretching their wings, I can absorb the angst and surround them in peace when they are struggling to find it in their own little islands. I can accept their emotions as a reflection of their growing process instead of taking it personally and give them love and acceptance because they are children of God and worthy of it, no matter what.

    1. Wow! That's lovely. I'm not good at that--more inclined to blow up right with the kids. I've longed for a long time to be calm and serene. I sincerely wish you well in this! Really! Your kids are blessed to call you Mom. :)

  2. "I want to have the Lord's will for me written upon my heart." Me too--especially as it reveals the timing for me to wrap up my work here and head back to the midst of family...

  3. I didn't plan for a word of the year either but nourish keeps coming to mind. To nourish my mind, body and soul plus those of the ones around me.

    1. That's lovely. From what I know of you, you are a nourishing person. I hope you are able to feel that gift you have.

  4. I love that quote! I bet you will have an inspired year with this meaningful word.


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