A Week, Briefly (1/22/18)
Many good things happened this week: *Ladybug finished Explode the Code 1 *The sun came out, and the kids spent hours and hours riding bikes and drawing with chalk outside *The Elementary 8 and I went to the zoo *Twice my prayers about my upcoming Relief Society lesson were answered (actually it is probably more than twice, but there were two times that comfort came so very clearly) *The 3 Symposium teens turned in their essays about The Music Man , and we used the essays to have a good lesson about what worked and what needs-to-improve in those essays *We had 4 good Academy days and we did 2 art projects--one about Pablo Picasso and one about paper sculpting *We had good Morning Meetings *Pixie attended all of her dance classes and made a new friend there *Belle got to go see Jumanji with a friend *Lola is showing signs of outgrowing the "terrible twos." She's turning into a rather delightful person, and there is hope that she may be potty-trained some...