Summer Summary


We visited a library petting zoo.

We played games at the library, too.

Nature Angel created and ran a preschool program:  She called it "boy time". . .  

 . . . and "girl time."

We did lots of gorgeous hair styles.

We provided temporary shelter for an injured dove.

And we went to the lake often!!!!

We climbed rocks . . .

 . . . and got brave on park climbing structures.

We did a lot of digging in the sand.

We put up an 18 foot rope swing.

We went to library science programs to see cool animals.

And we got even braver about climbing!  
The big girls went away to camp (some more than once!)


We celebrated the 4th at home.

We had a lot of picnics.

 One really, really hot day we played with frozen ice balls.

We drew pictures--this one is by Nature Angel.  Can you see the peacock?
Belle knitted a monster for Lola.

Pixie cooked and baked and cooked some more as she worked on a home economics class.
We did some more awesome hair!
We took selfies.  This is Pixie.

We played in the rain.

We got very goofy.
We lost teeth!!!!!
The teens reveled in teen-ness; this was what they ate one night . . . all night!
We played in the treehouse.  It was fun when we found a buried pulley that we cleaned off, fixed up, and put to good use.
We played in the creek bed--all dry in the summer.  (We didn't get pictures of the day it rained so hard that the creek overflowed!  We played in it--we just didn't get pictures.)

We spent more time at the park--here are Pixie and Super Star getting wild.
I found this sweet tray one day, nestled under the mulberry tree.  I don't know which child(ren) made it.
Sometimes we were very tired.
Super Star got her first pair of high heels.
And we dressed up as the solar system to attend the homeschool Starry Night dance.


A few rainy days were a welcome respite from the heat!
We began a rather ambitious project in the yard.  Lots and lots of digging!!!
Pixie learned to bake perfect bread.  This is only 1 loaf, but she makes 4-8 loaves at a time to keep us happy.

We had close encounters with nature. (Photo by Pixie--a lot of our photos are by Pixie!)
And more close encounters.
We loved on our babies.
Having two babies at once is such a miracle (and such a challenge!)
We played in the grass.
We mended broken things (This is Super Star sewing our ripped chair back together.)
We built hidey-holes . . . some were less hidden than others.
We built fairy houses in the woods.
Mom and Dad went away overnight one night, and Auntie R-- came to stay.  Here are the triple cousins enjoying a story with Auntie.
Nature Angel went to a ball game with friends.
Super Star baked awesome banana bread.
We ate breakfast at the park every Wednesday of the summer.
We played at spray parks.
We played in the mud . . .
 . . . built leaf boats . . .
 . . . and played in the mud some more.

The summer isn't really over, but the new school year is creeping up in spite of my best efforts, and our weekly updates begin again this week.

I hope there are lots more muddy, watery, parky, grassy, hidey-holey, happy pictures of summer still to come.


  1. Can't find the words to say how much I love this post and how in awe I am at what is accomplished in the course of a day in your family/household!!


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