A Week, Briefly (The Party Week)

The focus of the week was Rose Red's Sweet 16 party.  We spent hours cleaning, crafting, sorting, decorating, shopping, and soothing worries.

Super Star helps wash the mason jars that we eventually filled with flowers and/or candles and hung all over the yard.

Dad spent 2 hours stringing fairy lights all around the deck.  They were so, so, so pretty!

In spite of thunder, lightning, wind, rain, and hail, the party was a smashing success!  And the storm passed quickly, so the party-goers got to go out and enjoy the night in the end.

While they were stuck indoors, Rose Red opened her gifts.
Along the way we still:

*Held Morning Meeting--we're on paragraph 5 of The Family Proclamation, and I forgot to mention that we finished The Book of Mormon stories and we're back to Bible stories with this book.  We're also doing daily scripture reading and journaling with these pages

*Did some Math--at least Pixie, Super Star, and Belle did their work 4 days this week.

*Finished a Chemistry Book--that would be Rose Red.

*Did a little Preschool--I completed the project of saving and cleaning out cans and printing number labels for some math games for the littles; we got out the fabric strips and chicken wire frames for weaving; I drew giant numbers with sidewalk chalk for the kids to walk on--took a lot more balancing than I thought it would for our littles;

*Played outside a lot--biking, shooting hoops, swinging, sliding, climbing, drawing with chalk; picking flowers, feeling the breeze on our faces . . .

*Went to therapy sessions--Brother and Ladybug.

*Participated in dance practice.

*Talked with the screening nurse at the developmental clinic for victims of trauma/abuse at the children's hospital about Brother and Little Brother.  We have to wait for their next intake team meeting, but she thinks they might qualify for their therapeutic services.  I'm mostly interested in their evaluation and testing to see if they will validate or dismiss my concerns.

Even dolly got to do a bit of reading this week. :)
 *Ran--it was only once, but we got out and did a little bit of running.  I'm hoping for twice next week.

*Curled up for Evening Read Aloud time--we're half way through the Joy Hakim science book, and we've been reading (and laughing our way through) The Great Brain.

*Took Grandpa to the zoo with us on Friday afternoon (he arrived in time for lunch and is staying a whole week!).
He also read bedtime stories.
 *Welcomed Grandma, Aunt C--, Aunt E--, and Uncle K-- on Saturday.

Saturday will be for running errands, then Easter, then the adoption, and the temple sealing to follow!!

Regular school still hovers in the distance. :) 


  1. I love when we can include the in-laws in our outings. My kids still talk about the mother's day my mother in law came with us to the zoo.

  2. Sounds like it was a lovely week. :)

  3. Sounds like a good week. Love the sweet pictures!


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