A Week, Briefly (#8)
I have slept so little this week, that our activities and accomplishments are a blur. Dad was sick this week. So was Little Brother. The babies are getting it now. Exhaustion is not unique to me. I do remember that we focused on history this week, completing lessons 7-12 which were about the Tower of Babel, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and the founding of Egypt. This lesson about the founding of Egypt had is walk a narrow path blindfolded while we followed the guidance of a trusted leader as its attention-getting-activity. The LEGOs all over the floor were the painful consequence of stepping off the path. I sent an email to the creators of the curriculum we're using because I'm displeased with the incongruities in their timeline. They focus on Biblical time (which I approve of heartily), but include dates on their timeline cards that show obvious discrepancies between Biblical timelines and secular timelines, and they offer no help with e...