What Can Be Done

Slowly but surely I am setting up our school year to come.  It is harder than it has ever been before--because there are more kids?  because I'm pregnant and tired?  because the kids' needs are diversifying?  I'm not sure . . . I only know that inspiration has come slowly.

But it has come.

I've been puzzling over how to handle history and science for my older/middle 2.  I have plans in place for E14 and M12, but S12 and J10 have been tricky.  These are usually subjects that we work on in a group with me as leader, but I will be out of commission for the whole middle of the school year, so the kids need to be able to work independently.  I've spent hours thinking, researching, wondering, praying over what to do for my girls.  There are dozens of wonderful options, but that magical balance between affordable and doable remained elusive for many weeks.

One afternoon last week I was reading with H4.  She was in need of some mommy-time, and I was just coming out of my nauseous/exhausted haze, so it was a good opportunity to love her up a bit.  As we finished the book and she climbed off my lap I got a sudden light in my mind--the answer to how to handle both history and science this year.  I hurried to the computer to pull up their files and record the plans before I forgot. 

Then I paused to offer thanks to my Heavenly Father for knowing our individual needs, for caring, for loving, and for answering my prayers. 

It never ceases to amaze me that my small concerns matter to Him.

On Saturday afternoon I worked with S12 on her reading list and her musical development goals.  Solutions came as we researched and talked. 

Sunday evening provided answers for meeting M12's home economic, musical, and spiritual goals.

I have questions about how to schedule my youngest 3.
I have concerns about E14's plans.
I've worried as I've compared myself to all of the families I've read about who already have their year planned and ready to go.

But I'm not really worried any more. 
I trust than the answers will come.


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