I'm just thankful that my older 4 can work independently . . . and that they are. I'm thankful that my little ones can crawl into my lap for some love whenever they need it. I'm thankful that A6 is reading and reading and reading, so that my inattention to her little school lessons has less impact than it might otherwise. But I still feel so guilty for my inability to provide rich, stimulating, family-love-increasing school hours for my children. I'm not ill. I'm distracted. Our house has been on the market for almost 6 months. It took 5 months to even get it ready to list, so that's nearly a year of being unsettled and living in between. We've been searching for our dream home/dream land for even longer than that. Painting, cleaning, redecorating, cleaning, mending, cleaning, showings, cleaning, and so forth and so on have left us with few if any hours for really great school. Add in the away-from-home activities I'm allowing the kids at...