Good Kids

My kids are good kids.

Yesterday the flea issue got bad enough that I had to face it head on instead of piddling around as I've been doing for too many days.

And we have chicken pox.

I did 13 loads of laundry yesterday, and I'm well on my way to doing that many loads today, too as I try to clean up bedding and curtains and stuffed animals and throw pillows and blankets--I don't want fleas!  I've also been vacuuming at every opportunity.  This is in addition to doing our regular school routine and making our meals.

The kids offered to help buy pizza, but with sick children, I wanted good food in their bodies!

I set the big girls up for family scripture study and asked them to take turns reading just like they would if I were in the room, and then I ran off to move some laundry.

They did it!

They cooperated.
They took turns reading. 
They wrote coherent summaries. 
They tried to apply the doctrine to their own lives.

And they did it again today.

I'm so impressed with my children.

They really know how to come through in a crisis.


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