Curriculum Plans: 2024-25

 I write "Curriculum Plans" with absolute sincerity.

They are plans.

Not commitments.

We will use these plans as long as they are a good fit for us.

We will change when we need to, if we need to.

That said, here's what we're hoping to enjoy!

Morning Meeting (Devotional)
This will continue the way we have done for 20 years.  We'll have a scripture of the month, a scripture of the week, a hymn, some Bible reading, some Book of Mormon reading, some reading/discussion/lessons on whatever our church-wide curriculum is (Book of Mormon for '24, Doctrine and Covenants for '25).  I'll hang up the weekly art "poster" in each Come, Follow Me lesson for our consideration and appreciation.  We'll open and close with prayer, and we'll continue to practice Thankful Thursdays every week.

Teaching Textbooks for all 8 kids:  
Nature Angel completed Algebra 2 last year, and she asked for Geometry this year. 
Little Princess is on to Algebra 2, but she's also still finishing Geometry right now.
Ladybug is finishing Math 5 and will move on to Math 6 when she finishes that.
Mister Man will work through Pre-Algebra.
Brother is ready to conquer Math 7 (and will probably start Pre-Algebra in January).
Beowulf is finishing up Math 4 and will then start in Math 5.
Lola is repeating Math 3 because it's such a pivotal math year, and a little repetition will be great for her.
Baymax is finishing up Math 4 before he dives into Math 5.

High School (Nature Angel and Little Princess)
World History--The Mystery of History volume IV
American Literature--Apologia American Literature plus some novels of my choosing
Shakespeare--Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet
American Constitution--Hillsdale College free online courses
    Introduction to the Constitution
    Constitution 101
Writing--Seven Sisters Intermediate Guide to High School Essay Writing (and possibly a poetry unit, too)

Nature Angel--independent high school studies
 Seven Sisters Financial Literacy course
Keep playing the guitar
Keep drawing/painting/crocheting
Keep reading classics  (Right now she's reading East of Eden by John Steinbeck.)
Pick up some extra work shifts
Research what she wants to do after she graduates

Little Princess--independent high school studies
Astronomy--Masterbooks Survey of Astronomy
Biology--Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology
Chinese--Outschool High School Mandarin 1x week
Women's Studies--Women in Science by Rachel Ignotofsky--read one biography and write one narration/week

The Six Youngest
The Peaceful Press Playful Pioneers volume 2--This will cover American history, geography, literature, art, some science, writing, spelling, crafts, and cooking.  The main readings are aimed at elementary-age kids, but there are plenty of recommended supplemental readings that will easily beef up the content for my older elementary and middle-school kids.
Sabbath Mood Homeschool Form 2 Living Science Guides--We're starting with Magnets.  I hope to complete two more modules over the year: Geology and Physics (Energy).

Evening Read Alouds
This will continue as it has for the past 20+ years in our home.  Some of our readings will be the supplemental readings from Playful Pioneers, some of them will be old favorites, and some of them will come from lists of classic literature for kids/teens.


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