Assessment 2024--Lola

 My Lola.

She's so very firmly her own person.

Any efforts to get her to march to anything but the beat of her own drummer are met with failure.

She's strong and unique.

I just love her!

Academics are not Lola's strong suit.

*She's still wobbly with her number and letter formation.
*Copywork is the only form of writing she'll do, and even that is iffy.
*She is almost done with Math 3, but it's been accomplished with heavy assistance, and I plan to have her repeat it for mastery.

But the drawings this girl can create . . . they are marvelous!

Her constructions are architecturally awesome.

And her ability to cartwheel, back flip, and do other feats of strength and agility is amazing.

Her grandpa says she could be a champion gymnast, and I don't doubt it, but I have neither the money nor the stomach to support that pursuit.  (I do not believe competitive gymnastics is a healthy place to be.)

Her best academic accomplishment this year was becoming a reader.

And it was done through graphic novels.

(Go figure!)

My kids love dragon stories.  Until I found out that the morals of the Wings of Fire series don't match our family values, they read them again and again.  

"They" being my tween readers.

Then she discovered the graphic novels of Wings of Fire.

A sibling would read the novel aloud while Lola followed along in the graphic novel.  

And she became a reader.

We don't bring those particular books into our home anymore, but there are other graphic novels that have continued to inspire her, and she is very, very happy to curl up in a corner with a dog next to her and read.

It's been a miracle.

As with all of my younger 6 kids, the majority of our learning has come through family read-alouds.  We've covered history, literature, science, social-emotional skills, and so much more.  Lola has participated in all of the reading with us, and she has responded with just enough awareness and enthusiasm to show me she is learning what is important to her.

Other family learning experiences this year have included American Rhythm, Morning Meeting, cooking lessons, and church activities.  Lola is an active, interesting participant in all of them.

Lola is my youngest daughter.  My heart kind of gasps with the twin delight and sorrow I feel in watching her grow up.

At 9 years old, she is keeping me young.

(I wonder if her teen years will leave me feeling old!)

There is still so much to discover about my Lola.


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