A Week, Briefly (November 21, 2022)

 We did school for 2 days.

And then I cooked.

I cooked for Thanksgiving.

I cooked for a month.  (Thank you to my mom and dad for connecting me with a donation of close to 100 pounds of meat!)  That's 25 dinners for 10-12 people and at least 25 leftover lunches for 2.

The teens slept and lounged.

The kids played Pokémon, practiced archery, and read.

I'd planned to take the kids on an awesome outing to climb rocks and explore a part of the state we've never seen . . . but we were so tired.

I'm a tiny bit sorry we didn't go adventuring, but I'm mostly grateful for the weekend of rest and work at home.

I wanted to capture how our walks have changed since the beginning of the school year.  It now takes 30+ minutes to get everyone geared up enough to stay warm while we walk less than a mile! 

And someone always needs a diaper change right after we get the gear on that someone!

Notice the crossed arms and/or unpleasant faces on the kids who chose not bundle up!

Obviously, the babies were warm enough because Stretch fell peacefully asleep along the way.

My Tinkergarten calendar said this month included a Friendship week, so we set to work painting friendship rocks that we could hide at the park for "friends" to find.

Stretch never woke up even a little bit as I transferred him from stroller to couch.  He slept like this for over 2 hours!

In the afternoon, I took this group to the library because we found all of the missing library books!!  

Why the grumpy faces?!?!?!

I didn't manage to get pics of all of the rocks, but the vertical one is by Little Princess, and the horizontal rocks belong (from top to bottom) to Beowulf, Lola, and Nature Angel.

And this nap . . . 😍😍😍

We bundled up immediately after Morning Meeting and headed out to the park where we played for a little while before exploring for places to put our rocks.

Snug as a bug in a rug . . . but looking rather suspicious!

First rock hidden!

Second rock hidden!

Brother found a rock hidden by someone else!!!

Nature Angel stopped often to take pictures with her artist's eyes:

And the return to my non-artist's eyes includes an apology to Little Princess for catching her bum in this shot of Baymax and his rock. 

Lots of rocks hidden now!

Little Princess took moments to capture magical water pics.

Some of Little Princess' photos:

And back to what I could document from my position on the shore.

Mister Man took my phone to capture this pic of Lola hiding her rock.

We had to take the babies out and carry them up the hill separately from the strollers.

We had a quiet afternoon, and Lola made a snack bar for the babies, who loved eating Cuties for a long time.

Wednesday through Saturday gathered only the photos that Pixie sent of her Thanksgiving break in Idaho and Utah.

Cuddling with her friend's niece

Apparently, she outshot anyone there!

Back at home:

We finished reading Yeshu, Called Jesus.
We read a longer biographic article of Sir Joshua Reynolds. (The shorter one was last week.)
We watched The Santa Clause.
We started reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

On the day I had a root canal, the kids watched Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie.
Now, it's time for me to wrap our Advent lineup of Christmas picture books!


  1. Great week. The nature pictures are delightful. Blessings, Dawn

  2. Love the rocks and the pics by Nature Angel are lovely. Hoping your mouth is feeling better now.


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