A Week, Briefly (July 4, 2022)

 Another slow summer week flowed gently by.

Singing into the fan . . . competing over who can be louder, actually ๐Ÿ˜„

We had zero plans.  I grocery shopped.  Kids played.  Teens slept.  Sir Walter Scott did household projects.

In the heat of the afternoon, I pulled frozen t-shirts out of the freezer (I'd soaked then and put them in the freezer in the morning).  A hilarious half hour followed as the kids tried to be the first to get their shirt on.

Kids--frozen shirts in hand

Using the heat through the window to thaw his shirt

Ladybug won!!!

Beowulf hugged his shirt under a blanket to get it warmer

We were sure that second place was a race between Brother and Mister Man, but Lola surprised us all!!!

Everyone eventually got a shirt on, and they reveled in the coolness for the rest of the afternoon.

A neighbor invited us to watch a small fireworks display, and Sir Walter Scott took most of the kids out to watch.  I stayed home with Lola because she'd refused to eat all day and was falling asleep from hunger and exhaustion.

Library day!

Sir Walter Scott took the big girls to the temple in the morning.

We did a quiet music moment that lasted almost 3 minutes.  It was a Mozart composition for oboe--Ave Verum Corpus K 618.  The kids are starting to feel the music.

We had a rather involved tea party because a storm kept us away from the park.

So many serendipitous things happened to make our party come together--like a perfect cucumber arriving in our Imperfect Foods order just as we began making sandwiches!

Peppermint tea
Tuna sandwiches
Cucumber sandwiches
Mini banana muffins

Such a feast!!

We read poetry by Eric Carle, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Eugene Fields.

We decided we like Eugene Fields the best.

Mister Man and Brother worked 2 1/2 hours at their apprenticeship, then everyone realized Dad was working in the garage and headed down to work alongside him.

L for Ladybug!!!

The garage is closed because the heat all week was dangerous.  We were under a heat advisory.

Brother is building a steerable cart.  I'll have to video how it works when he finishes--he's quite the engineer!

The kids did play outside every day, but it was only for 2-3 hours early in the morning or water play in the evening.

Bright April illustrated how we can love one another once we overcome our fears about our differences.  

We started Jack and Jill by Louisa May Alcott.
We're loving it.

We finished The Green Bicycle.  It dragged on forever in the middle, but the end made our perseverance worth while.  It's not a book I care to own or read again, but I will preview the movie on which the book is based to see if it is appropriate for my kids.  We did learn a lot about Muslim and Saudi cultures, and we talked often about what makes a character likeable and what makes a good friend.

Super Star's shoulder dislocated when a box fell on it at work!  Her boss took proper care off her, sending her immediately to urgent care.   She's fine now, but it ached badly for most of the week.

Pixie carved out time from school to go to the temple, and she got to go on a mountain trail ride!

She's about to finish her junior year of college, and I find that challenging to comprehend . . . my little Pixie?!?!

We're supposed to have another week of dangerous heat, and it's our last week of fewer babies, so we're going to take it easy as best we can.


  1. Great minds think alike! I taught Hannah how to talk into the fan at camp this week.

    The frozen t-shirts is a brilliant idea! What a fun contest. And your tea party looks scrumptious.

  2. Oh my, the picture of Pixie looks like a PERFECT LITTLE PIXIE!! Adorable!!!

  3. Wow! Love the frozen t-shirts idea. Lots of fun going on this summer.


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