A Week, Briefly (May 23, 2022)

 Three days of rain this week forced us to adjust our schedule, but we still did most of what we'd planned.

Only two kids attempted math, and only one completed a lesson because we had 9 dentist appointments scheduled through the day.  Every kid that saw the dentist received a clean bill of health and compliments on good brushing.

Library day!  It was a tougher visit than last week because our babies felt noisier, and we worked hard to teach them about being quiet with little sign of comprehension or cooperation.

We'll keep trying!

Baymax was upset because he couldn't find a second book that seemed interesting enough to bring home, and he was not ok with bringing only one book home.  Fortunately Mister Man came to his rescue with a book that satisfied Baymax's requirements (adventure and fighting), and we were able to escape just as Sugar Bear broke into full throated wailing.

Later in the rainy, rainy day we pulled out shaving cream.  The babies got to be first to play, but my kids took over as the babies got tired. ๐Ÿ˜‰

We rescheduled park day and did art all afternoon.  It was a massive mess, but the kids were all so satisfied with several hours to create freely.  Some kid worked long on a couple of projects, others churned out page after page of pictures.

It was completely worth every minute of clean up time.

Church activities that night included a compass lesson for the boys and skits for the girls.

With a break in the rain in the morning, we worked on Mom's choice, which was to level and mulch the ground between the basement porch and the chicken coop.

I had so many helpers!  And it was so muddy!!!

We finished just as the first drops of rain returned.

We settled inside for lunch and reading Mary Poppins.  We were super tired, so I said yes to watching the movie version and its sequel.  We compared and contrasted the book and movies, and I feel justified in calling it school. ๐Ÿ˜

The sun came back, and we went to the park.  With 14 kids to track, I didn't get many pictures, but we had a lovely morning.

The best part was watching the giant bullfrog tadpoles bask in the sun in the shallow water of the pond.  There were a turtle and several fish who also cooperated with being watched.  

In the evening the older girls invited Ladybug to watch the first Harry Potter movie with them.  She's been reading the books for the first time, but she's so confused as she tries to understand the plot lines.  She wants to understand and be able to participate in conversations with her sisters and peers, but it's hard!

I am grateful for her loving sisters sharing in helping her be culturally literate.

The kids had so much free time that they got bored.  When they complained, I suggested chores they could do, and they magically found something to do after all.

I hit the thrift store for some needed clothes and shoes, and I found some book treasures as well.

The afternoon looked like this for most of the kids.

Seminary graduation was in the evening, and I sent the oldest girls to help Belle celebrate that.  She came home with a beautiful diploma and shining eyes. 

 At home I finished Mary Poppins with the younger kids and started A Wrinkle in Time.  

Baymax is mad because I won't tell him where the dad is or what a tesseract is right away.  He doesn't want to wait for the story to unfold!!

Next week Belle leaves for High Adventure Girls' Camp, and when she comes home, she'll have an on-the-job test to see if she will be hired as a full time receptionist for a chiropractor's office. 


  1. It sounds like a pretty wonderful week. I love the summer routine that you are developing.
    Blessings, Dawn


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