A Week, Briefly (10/25/21)

 We celebrated Halloween on Wednesday with our church party.

So that pretty much dominated the week.

School was interrupted by planning, shopping, sewing, and making.

And this is the result:


"Worker Man"

Joy (from Inside Out)


Chicken--she's flapping her wings and clucking for the picture :)

Police officer--"Because I've been watching Criminal Minds over Mom's shoulder!"


We did, of course, keep our Morning Meetings each day.  We read D'Aulaire's Benjamin Franklin.  We read several chapters of Shepherd, Potter, Spy, and the Star Namer.  And everyone did at least 3 days of independent work . . . some of them did 4 days' worth.

Little Princess did several simple chemistry experiments . . .

 . . . made a little more complicated by small, enthusiastic observers.

We did not do any preschool activities, but our tiniest students learned a great deal through play, drawing, stories, and helping with chores.

And they're always surrounded by the older kids' learning activities.

We walked another 5+ miles, so we're at about 96 miles.
Belle gave her second speech for her class.  This one was informative, and it was well-researched, well-organized, well-presented (she had an outstanding PowerPoint presentation), but less well-rehearsed.  The teacher said she could tell Belle was less confident in the actual delivery.  

And she's right.  Belle got so caught up in the research that she didn't leave enough time to practice.  It's good for Belle to be reminded that she needs to plan ahead and manage her time with greater care!

Belle also turned in a scholarship application yesterday, completing the required education modules minutes before the midnight deadline.

(But, in her defense, I do the same thing, having turned in our adoption assistance renewal paperwork the day before the deadline instead of 2 months ago when I got it!)

Brother's and Beowulf's behaviors have been challenging this week.  None of them turned into true emergencies, but we've been on guard and struggling emotionally because of it.

We broke out the MadLibs this week!  I'm not sure what inspired it, but we sat around the dinner table calling out nouns, adjectives, verbs ending in -ing, and body parts.  When we read the stories, the kids laughed so hard they couldn't breathe.  Several of us had tears streaming down our faces, and our bellies hurt from laughing.

Maybe we'll do a few more tonight.


  1. I love everyone's costumes! That must have been a lot of work for you to get them all figured out.

    Procrastinating teenagers are so hard for me to deal with! How do you keep your calm? I know I need to figure out how to not let it bother me, but I haven't gotten there yet.

    I definitely see mad libs in our future. :)

  2. Your costumed cuties are adorable! I've done Mad Libs in the library a couple times, and it goes over well. Glad to see you posting again.


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