A Week, Briefly (3/8/21)

 False spring left, and so did my spirits.
All is well.
I am blessed, and so is my family.
But I'm fighting the blues.
As a result, there's little visual documentation of what we did this week. :)  Here's what I've got.

 Just before the gloom came back, we gave our little seedlings some time outside to get them ready for planting.  

Baymax finished book C in his phonics/spelling studies.  I feel like he's not ready for book D yet, so I ordered a set of primary phonics readers/workbook to give him time for the concepts he's been introduced to to settle in his brain more solidly.

My teen/tweens still manage child care and personal studies with panache.  Nature Angel is reading The Diary of Anne Frank.  Apparently the little boys are interested.

We did read books about India and a bit of nature study.  I usually like to take pictures of the front covers, but most of these are ILL books, so the cover is obscured with ILL stickers.
What I want to know is how come I've never heard of King Asoka before? He was a great king who did so much good!!!  How could I take advanced history studies in high school and at least basic world civilization classes in college and read lots of history on my own and never hear of him?

He's a king worth learning about . . . an amazing historical hero.

We did all of our usual stuff--Morning Meeting, Independent Studies, Reading Aloud during meals, then Reading Aloud at bedtime.


We finished The Winged Watchman Jennifer at Bookish Family was right!  That end is a tear-jerker.  Particularly because our family has experienced our own version of what Mother Verhagen had to do in the end.

Now we're reading Twenty and Ten, and then we will read Number the Stars.

Belle finished her American History text, and she's read hundreds of pages from her American Literature study this week.  She smiles about school right now.  

She's definitely a liberal arts scholar. :)

Paper airplanes rival Cat's Cradle for the kids' attention these days.  They have been busy designing different kinds of planes and testing their flight abilities.  They've also moved from doing the traditional string patterns that we can find in books to seeing what patterns they can invent.  I've not seen anything photographically impressive, but I do like the fact that the kids are experimenting and learning.

We have officially decided not to fade out of ABA therapy.  We're finally recovering enough from the traumas of late 2018-early 2020 to see that Brother has several smaller issues to work on that could improve his quality of life and his ability to get and keep a job someday.  He's got a new treatment plan in the works, and that should be ready for review and implementation in the next week or so.

Sir Walter Scott continues to make strides in his recovery.  He's really dedicated about doing his at-home therapy assignments as well.  He's rocking the cognitive skills, and his PT and OT are slowly becoming second nature again instead of concentrated efforts.  

I'm almost done with the dining room/homeschool room redecorating.  The final project is the ceiling, though, so I may decide to take a few pics of some of my favorite parts before that's done.  I'm kind of itching to get started on bathroom repairs before I take on the ceiling challenge.

It is lovely to not have layers of marked and ripped wallpaper surrounding me all day. :)


  1. Glad ABA will continue. Glad Belle was smiling. Hope to see you by the end of this week.

  2. I've never heard of King Asoka either! I'll have to look him up. I hope the good weather comes back--March is always hard for me because I start getting my hopes up for Spring and then it always reverts back to winter several times!

  3. Just reserved a book about King Asoka, so thanks! If your library has Grandmother School, that's a cute India book.

    Best wishes with the new therapy plan for Brother. Any little bit that helps them gain the skills to succeed as adults, right?

    Excited to see the finished dining/school room pictures.

    I hope you get to do something that refills your cup a bit to perk you up and keep you going.

  4. My kids also went through a make your own string games phase. Nothing memorable, but still cute ;-)

  5. Now I'm curious about King Asoka.... We have been re-arranging our downstairs. Nothing major just moving some things around and trying to organize and get rid of some things. Even though it doesn't sound like much theses things always end up more involved then it seems! Yay that you are almost done! I hope spring come back and stays for you. The nicer weather and the sunshine helps so much! I hope you have a great week!


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