A Week, Briefly (1/25/21)

 We did nothing exciting in our homeschool this week.
Actually, we did do one exciting thing--the youngest ones (minus Lola who simply could not stay focused) illustrated their Owlets haiku books.  We all wrote the same poems together, and I printed a copy for each child.  Then they illustrated their individual booklets.
Beowulf's pages.  I didn't think to include his front cover!  :(

Mister Man's booklet

This one is by Baymax

Ladybug's--such a cute nest full of babies!

Other than this cool project, all of my exciting energy was put into getting our dining room/school room walls mended, prepped, and painted and putting up the new interior window trim.

We moved along with Morning Meeting every day, book work time every day, read aloud time every day, and lots and lots and lots of free time.

 . . . or Advanced Mathematics . . . that's almost as good as free time, right?
The weather was kind of forbidding--the kind of cold and snow and wet that is not inviting at all. 

If they weren't reading, they were playing with Legos.

And playing with babies.
Reading with a baby

So, Sir Walter Scott isn't really playing with a baby so much as fascinating a baby with the tools he used to do some electrical repair/installation.

And this baby voluntarily helped me clean the sanding dust off the walls.

Sometimes the babies read to themselves. :)

Kids came and went helping with skim coating, sanding, priming, painting, measuring, cutting, nailing, drilling, screwing, shopping, comparing, and deciding.

Baymax helped me spackle . . . 

 . . . and learned how to use the level . . .

 . . . and really enjoyed pressing the power button on the jigsaw.

Belle helped me paint.

Little Princess and Nature Angel have been design assistants and men-of-all-work.

In addition to the above candid photos of me working, Little Princess experimented with some construction extreme close ups.  Here's my favorite:

We finished reading Mary on Horseback by Rosemary Wells, and we started The Wild Robot by Peter Brown.

Here are the books we read about Thailand:

Not pictured is Hush!  It's somewhere in the house . . . probably under blankets or under a bed.  The Lotus Seed is technically about Vietnam, but Lotuses are native to both countries.

We read a couple of books about courage:

And several nature study books that I have so far failed to photograph.  That picture's coming soon!

We had some finishing up this week!

Beowulf has now read the whole Old Testament portion of The Beginner's Bible.

Mister Man is done with Latina Christiana I after 1 1/2 years!!!

Beowulf also finished book 2 of 5 in Arithmetic Grade 2!

My home improvement habits are spreading to Nature Angel and Little Princess, who have been exploring garage, closet, and attic storage for treasures they can repurpose.  They found an old mirror, removed it from its awful frame, cleaned it up, and are now looking for how to build a support to use it as a vanity mirror.  

Lola inherited the frame. 

It's transformed from awful to adorable when she plays with it!

Sweet Lola has been absolutely unable to do school.  She participates in our group studies, but her reading and math are a lost cause at the moment.  I even purchased The Good and the Beautiful Math K when it went on clearance, thinking that the cutting, coloring, gluing, and playing would help her.


I was able to convince her to work with me for barely 5 minutes this week before she cried, threw herself out of her chair, and refused to do anything more.

Her assignment was to put the numbers in order from 1-10.  I am totally fascinated by how she did this.

I called the Developmental and Behavioral Clinic.

We're on the schedule for intake.


  1. Doesn't feel great to get a project underway and done. I am really enjoying making progress in my own home. That is a fascinating way to count to 10. I do hope you had a lovely weekend and that next week will be filled with nicer weather.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Love the haiku books! We sometimes use haiku as a way to summarize our learning about a topic.

    The screw close up is a neat picture. Hmm, I wonder if photography would "count" in my creativity challenge? I do love to take pictures, and would like to get better at it.

    We reviewed Mela and the Elephant a couple years ago! Cute book.

    Congratulations on the progress in the dining room! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  3. Loved the artwork in the haiku books! Also fascinated by the number-arrangement process!


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