A Week, Briefly (3/23/20)

Those family members with jobs have gone to work.

The rest of us have stayed home and done school.

I actually quite like this Stay-at-Home order.

Yes, my teens and tweens are frustrated, but the rest of us are thriving.


School has looked the same every day:
Personal Hygiene and Chores
Morning Meeting
Individual School
Jr. Kindergarten
Outdoor Time
Dinner and Family Prayer
Evening Reading

It's awesome!

Yes, there are bumps in the road . . .

Our septic system leach lines are collapsing, not blocked with roots, so we have to replace them.
(But the kids are getting to help dig the trenches and fill them in, and they're watching/helping Daddy take care of our home, so they're getting both proprioceptive therapy and a mechanical education.)

Brother threw the vacuum at me.
(But he missed, and I'm fine, and the vacuum is fine, and when he lost his temper the next day, he stopped and breathed deeply with me in order to avoid throwing the vacuum at me, so he's learning.)

We had a bit of illness.

She woke up in the wee hours asking for a drink and something to eat (she hadn't eaten the day before).  I complied, and when I turned around she was asleep on the kitchen floor.

(But it wasn't serious, and we were able to snuggle up, read good books, take garlic, and see it through without cancelling any activities.)

I broke a crown, and the dentist's office has been shut down.
(But it's just a crown, not an actual tooth, so my discomfort has been minimal.)

. . . but as you can see in the parentheses, the bumps are just bumps, and the blessings abound.

Moments of note this week:

These two are enamored of Greek Mythology right now.  The day I took this picture, Mister Man read aloud to Baymax for 3 straight hours, and then they picked up with almost 2 more hours later in the day.

From right to left, these are Ares, Apollo, Dionysus, Zeus, Hephaestus, Poseidon, Hermes, and Hades.

These two finished another Jr. K book!

Nature Angel made this version of the Los Angeles temple for a virtual Youth activity.

Ta-Da!!!!  Baymax and Lola are officially done with Jr. Kindergarten!!!!!!

And these two finished their spelling books on the same day!  They wanted to celebrate with a picture together.

We're so close to finishing The Histories by Herodotus.  Belle squawked when she heard my camera click as I took this picture of her with busy hands while she listened to me read aloud.

Playing "Pooh-sticks"

After a powerful storm, we returned to LBVP trail.  We took a longer route, and we took our time exploring.

Hike #11--LLBVP Trail + extension
23.56 + 3 = 26.56 miles

Not pictured are the countless hours the kids spent riding bikes, reading stories, and hammering away at small construction projects. 

I spent a good amount of time in the garden, and Nature Angel worked with me on designing a "fairy garden" entrance to a path to the creek south of our yard.

Mister Man, Lola, and Baymax wandered down to the creek more than once, searching for and finding "treasures."

The teens started distance seminary classes.  They get assignments all week long, and then they meet via Zoom with their teacher/class for discussions on Friday.

I had a 90-minute teleconference with Blue Sprig Pediatrics to review Brother's official ABA treatment plan.  I love it!  We'll start as soon as insurance approves it and the Stay-at-Home order is lifted.

I must admit, though, that having no out-of-home appointments feels better than adding 10 hours of new therapies (8 for Brother, 2 for Sir Walter Scott and me).

Blue Sprig was willing to start in-home visits until they learned that Sir Walter Scott works directly with suspected COVID-19 patients (so far all of his patients have tested negative for COVID-19 and discharged, but the test results take 5 days).  He's utterly protected while working, and he's not even allowed to work in his own scrubs--having to change into hospital cleaned and issued scrubs when he arrives and then change again to go home.  But I guess the fact that he's on the front lines makes people nervous.

We are well.

We are so very well!

This Sunday, our family (at least those old enough to) will participate in a day of fasting and prayer for those who are not doing so well as we.


  1. So glad to hear you are all doing well. There have been some challenges here, but we have been doing well too. I'm thankful for our normal homeschooling routine. We have had many days of rain and temps in the 40s. I know we will be doing even better when it warms up and we can all enjoy the outdoors more.

  2. So glad you are doing so well. That really is wonderful news. Glad you are getting to continue your hikes. We are doing much better than I thought we would be doing.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. So glad you are all doing well! And that life for y'all is mostly normal. Your children have so much talent and are so blessed to spend so much time outdoors. I have enjoyed reading your posts each week though I have been unable to comment from my phone. Have a great week!

  4. I like the model temple!

    Mixed blessing being married to an "essential" these days, isn't it. On the one hand, steady income, but on the other, there's the fear of what they might be exposed to/bring home. We've got the same thing going here.


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