Christmas Week & Mid-Year Plans

On Sunday we went to church, played Uno for family night, and then watched Return of the Jedi while we ate popcorn. On Monday Sir Walter Scott took the youngest 7 to the zoo while the older girls and I cleaned and shopped and prepped for our Christmas Eve that evening (Sir Walter Scott worked Christmas day, so we celebrated a day early). The zoo highlight was watching juvenile oryxes play fight with their emerging horns. We had our family Nativity reenactment, ate cookies, and put out stockings. Sir Walter Scott and I had fun playing "The Santa Game" before falling into bed. So excited to be shepherd! With Pixie as photobomber. Cast photo after the show--the black lump on the bottom right is Super Star as Herod. On Tuesday , our Christmas, we had a quiet day with presents, play, reading, and snacking. Waiting to be allowed into the living room . . . Nature Angel made most of her gifts to the family, and there were tears and sweet hugs all around....