The Big Ol' List of Stuff We Plan To Do This Year (2018-19)

I've been putting off this post--unsure if I wanted to bother to share it.  But then I realized that this fall when I'm ready for a semi-annual review or when I'm ready for end-of-year assessments next spring, I'd hate myself for skipping this.

So . . .

The Teens
As a group they're doing another year of Symposium which consists of:
   *Language Arts--The Good and the Beautiful High School year 1
   *Spanish--BJU Press Spanish 2
   *History--The Mystery of History Vol. IV

Pixie is a ready-to-graduate senior.  She needs only 3 credits to graduate, which would be covered by Symposium alone, but she also needs one more science class and lots of dance to be ready to be accepted to the 4 year school of her choice.

This semester she's working on preparing to take the CLEP for College Algebra.  We don't have a specific plan for how to prep, other than to order the exam, use the "official" prep booklet and see where her weaknesses are before choosing a prep book or online course.

She's also taking World Geography at the community college.

Next semester, she'll take a science class at the community college.  If her class this semester isn't too overwhelming, and she feels she can handle it, she'll also take a communications class. 

She's taking at least 6 hours of dance class each week, teaching and choreographing for our homeschool dance troupe, and she'll be teaching another 4 hours each week for our homeschool co-op during September and October.

She's attending her 3rd year of early morning seminary.

She's still working for Menchie's.

The only weakness I'm aware of is in American Government.  She probably ought to squeeze in a constitution class somewhere before graduation.  If the CLEP exam goes well, perhaps we can cobble together an at-home study with free resources.

Super Star is in 10th grade.  In addition to Symposium, she's studying:
   *French--First Start French II will turn the half credit of French she earned last year into a full credit at the end of this year.
   *General Science--Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science
   *Creative Writing--One Year Adventure Novel
   *Math--Saxon Algebra 1/2
   *Driving--she needs driving time to get her license!!!

Off and on again, she'll earn fine arts credit as she teaches herself to play the piano using YouTube videos, and she may earn PE credit because she's faithful about working out.

She's attending her 2nd year of early morning seminary.

She's faithfully trying to find a job.

Belle is in 9th grade.  In addition to Symposium, she's studying
   *Latin--still working on Memoria Press Second Form Latin.  She should start Third Form before Christmas
   *Biology--Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology
   *Ancient History--The History of the Ancient World (Bauer)
   *Math--Saxon Algebra 1 with Geometry

She'll finish out her volunteer season at the farm in November.

She's attending her first year of early morning seminary.

The Elementary 8
This crew is doing another year of Academy.  I can't even begin to list resources here, but I'm keeping a list like I did last year that I can publish when we finish.  We've started with A Child's History of the World (Hillyer), I Walked to Zion (Madsen), Waldorf form drawings, and The Golden Treasury of Children's Literature (Untermeyer).  I have good intentions of working with Nature Anatomy and a poetry book, but that remains to be seen.  And I have a stack several feet tall of resources to use as the year develops.

I'll record them when I use them.

Nature Angel is in 6th grade:
   *Oak Meadow Language Arts and Ancient Civilizations 6
   *Oak Meadow Science 6
   *Hey, Andrew!  Teach Me Some Greek, level 3
   *Saxon Math 7/6
   *Personal scripture study
   *ARTistic Pursuits Middle School Year One

Little Princess is in 4th grade:
   *Math Lessons for a Living Education Level 4 (finish this one and then . . . ?)
   *Chinese--various resources by Tuttle and Yo-Yo Chinese videos
   *Personal scripture study
   *Readers in Residence--she did unit 1 two years ago.  Now she's ready to finish the program independently
   *Writing With Ease Level 3--she's finishing up a workbook that Rose Red started years and years ago
   *Italics: Beautiful Handwriting for Children--finish what she started last year

The youngest half of the kids are all going to be doing Language Arts and Math with the same programs by Shiller.  I'd have never, ever, ever, ever spent this much money on just one or two kids, but divided among 6 kids I only spent only a little more than I would have on individual resources.  If we really like it, and it lasts for as many years as they say, then I'm going to actually save hundreds of dollars.

We'll see. ;)

At any rate, it felt like exactly the right investment at exactly the right time, and I got a massive discount for ordering as much as I did at one time at our homeschool convention. 

Ladybug is in 2nd grade and will add the following to Academy and Shiller lessons:
   *Book of Mormon Stories
   *Memoria Press Storytime Treasures and More Storytime Treasures
   *homemade cursive worksheets

Mister Man is in 1st grade and will add the following to Academy and Shiller lessons:
   *The Book of Mormon
   *Memoria Press Prima Latina
   *Explode the Code (book 5 for now--more books to come?)
   *Alpha Omega Lifepac Science 2--he started it last year, so he'll work forward from the 3rd booklet

The other 4 young ones will have completely full plates with Academy and the Schiller lessons.


And co-op.

We're signed up for 8 weeks of co-op this fall.

And dance.

Which also counts for community service.

(Coolest dance troupe ever!)

And the Teen Book Club.

And Morning Meeting (our daily family devotional time--scripture study, scripture memorization, hymn singing, and more).

And read alouds.

And audiobooks in the van.

And nature outings.

And church youth groups.

And therapies.

That ought to be enough for us.

Except there's still Rose Red

She needs 1 credit to graduate with the state minimum.

I invite her regularly to "do school" with the teens.  I offer resources.  I stand ready to help.  Sometimes I even nag.

We'll see.

(I can't help hoping for something good for my girl.)


  1. Looks like a great years you've got planned. I had Schiller Math on my radar at one stage but never purchased it - perhaps the cost - so I look forward to seeing how it works in your home. Sending wishes for good things for Rose Red - all the kids actually but it seems her need might by greatest at the moment.

  2. What a wonderful list of resources. I hope the year shapes up to be wonderful and most if not every resource works great. Praying that Rose Red completes her graduation requirements soon.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. What is Rose Red’s one credit in? A specific subject, or just anything?

  4. Looks like a busy year ahead of you all! I hope it all goes extremely well for everyone. Rose Red is so close!


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