A Week, Briefly (3/26/18)
Lola made me laugh this week . . . about my bed. I love a well-made bed. When my bed is made, it is a sign that I am feeling a healthy sense of order in my world. When it is not made . . . well, that's a sign that life is hard. It's been hard for going on 2 1/2 years now. Intermittently, I've made my bed for a day here or a week there, and of course it gets made every time I wash bed linens, but mostly I've been in survival mode, and so has my bed. This week I had a day when I got it made. The morning went smoothly, and I got a lot of good things accomplished in my early quiet time. While the kids did their chores, and the oats simmered on the stove, I slipped into my room to give my bed a sweet facelift. Lola gets tucked into my bed each night, and once she's asleep, I move her to her own bed. In her small experience, the covers are always open and ready to receive her. Well, the evening of the day I made my bed, I carried Lola into the bedroom f...