Anne's Summer Studies--June
A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver Van DeMille I long ago decided that TJEd in its purity was not for me nor my children. I felt at loose ends too much, and with various seasons coming and going, I felt punished for opening workbooks and simply saying, "This is what we're going to do today." Quite simply, I don't always have it in me to inspire instead of require. :) But rereading this book now made me realize that truly our household is an educationally inspiring household. We read lots of classics. We talk a lot. I check in with my kids, and I provide lots of inspiration through my own example and through the supplies we keep in our home. It was a joyful reread, and it inspired me to keep up with our family reading . . . because lately I've felt in something of a slump. Core and Love of Learning--Oliver and Rachel DeMille When I finish assessing my kids, I'm going to write myself a separate post, assessing how I'm doing with the v...