A Week, Briefly (In Which We Are Still Sick)

It's officially Influenza A . . . and some other random viruses  . . . that we've been sick with.  It has been truly horrible, and I spent some time wishing badly that I could just check the whole family into the hospital for a few days . . . or at least hire a nurse like the ones from 100+ years ago that would come and take over care of the household.

All 14 of us were down at once.

I haven't totalled up the numbers, but I can tell you that we've gone through a lot of acetaminophen, ibuprofen, snot, vomit, fevers (up to 104.4!), mugs of herbal tea, sleepless nights, movies watched, and pounds lost.

Every single one of us has lost weight--a blessing to a few of us, a problem for most of us.

We're still convalescing, and I'm not sure we can handle starting school back up even next week.

We are, however, sitting around watching awesome documentaries on Netflix--at least 12 hours' worth this week.

Documentary school is cool.

(linking here)


  1. I've heard from friends back there where I used to work that they have also been hit hard by this VERY BAD BUG! One friend asked us to pray that her baby wouldn't get it... I'm praying for all of you!

  2. Phew, yes, it's awful when everyone gets one of these! A nurse for hire would be worth their weight in gold. Praying you all recover well this week. And I agree, documentaries can be great! Other Netflix shows that varying ages may like (not all documentaries): Steampunked (it's fashion and room designing in one competition, occasionally the outfits are less than modest, but we all found it fascinating to watch the makers create a themed room and outfit each episode), The Parent Trap (the old Disney movie),Living on One Dollar (really fascinating and kept kids interest from about age 8 up), Jump In by Disney (boy boxer helps out a girl jump rope competition team), When Calls the Heart (two full seasons on there!), Zoo Clues (younger and middle kids mostly), The Princess Bride movie (a classic!), Dolphin Tale (based on a true story so even cooler), Once I Was a Beehive (LDS girls camp funny). Oh, and Alice Through the Looking Glass was really good.

  3. Sorry to hear you are all unwell! Take care X

  4. What a hard time you all are passing through. I hope that you all feel better soon and take it easy next week. We use documentary school a lot when everyone is down.
    Blessings, Dawn

  5. I am so sorry! How miserable. Thank goodness for Netflix! We just signed up the week before we were all down with a bug. It was a big help to my antsy sick kids.

  6. Hope you're feeling better soon! I'm schooling with the sniffles, and it's so draining (no horrible pun intended!).


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