Assessment 2016--Mister Man

We started this year, when he was still 3, just dabbling about with some preschool activities.  Like Brother, this little guy isn't due to start kindergarten until the 2017-18 school year.  However, something in his brain clicked, and soon we were doing an academic (and playful) preK program.  Then that stuff all clicked into place and we were doing an academic K curriculum.  Then that stuff all clicked into place, and he's half way through a set of first grade readers.

He memorizes scriptures and songs easily.

As an answer to my personal prayers regarding this small boy, I started him with Belle as his teacher in a K-level math program.  And he loves it.

He reads science books on his own.

He cuts, glues, colors, writes, and draws.

He's quite capable of dressing/undressing himself and doing simple chores around the house.

So what does that leave for us to do during this preK year ahead?

He's still a 4-year old boy, and he has much to learn about managing his emotions and making good choices.  He can work on sharing.  He can work on his gross motor skills by bike riding, climbing, swinging, and jumping.  He can build with Legos, listen to stories, write his own stories, and learn to keep a nature journal.  I think he needs piano lessons.  We try to send him on outings with Sir Walter Scott whenever possible.

And this summer he's going with us to the lake beach . . . where he builds sand and driftwood constructions that are decorated with the feathers he finds on the beach.


  1. It is so fun to get to know your kids a little bit through these posts. And the magic of having one where learning clicks easily!


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