A Week, Briefly (The Party Week)
The focus of the week was Rose Red's Sweet 16 party. We spent hours cleaning, crafting, sorting, decorating, shopping, and soothing worries. Super Star helps wash the mason jars that we eventually filled with flowers and/or candles and hung all over the yard. Dad spent 2 hours stringing fairy lights all around the deck. They were so, so, so pretty! In spite of thunder, lightning, wind, rain, and hail, the party was a smashing success! And the storm passed quickly, so the party-goers got to go out and enjoy the night in the end. While they were stuck indoors, Rose Red opened her gifts. Along the way we still: *Held Morning Meeting--we're on paragraph 5 of The Family Proclamation, and I forgot to mention that we finished The Book of Mormon stories and we're back to Bible stories with this book . We're also doing daily scripture reading and journaling with these pages . *Did some Math--at least Pixie, Super Star, and Belle did their work ...