Book Review by Super Star: Whatever Is Lovely

After finding a coloring book available for review, and securing Super Star's promise to write that review, I pressed "send" and handed the book off to her.

Here's what she wrote:

Whatever Is Lovely is an uplifting, engaging coloring book full of unique pictures.  It is filled with large and small details.  After each page is an inspiring quote, hymn, or poem.  If you are looking for an easy-going, finish-it-quickly kind of coloring book, I don't suggest this one; the pages are large and filled with lots of tiny lines, dots, flowers, leaves and other details that are satisfying to spend time and thought coloring.

I color in Whatever Is Lovely every night.  I love this coloring book! 

FTC Disclaimer: I received this book from the Blogging for Books program in exchange for this review.


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