A Week, Briefly (Another Girls' Camp)

We had school on Monday and Friday.  Tuesday through Thursday the 4 big girls were away at a camp for girls sponsored by our state conservation department. 

The night before camp three of them stayed up late taking selfies:

There were more of them but these are the highlights. :)

M13 says they were noisy and that Dad wasn't any too happy when he came down to check on them, so they took his picture.

At camp they completed their hunter certification requirements.  Their licenses will arrive sometime later this summer. 

I think it's hilarious because we are so NOT hunters!  We're not opposed to hunting, we just aren't a hunting family.  The girls got to shoot pellet guns, practice some archery, go fishing, go canoeing, and participate in a mock deer hunt.  They had a grand time.

Here's J11 with her pellet gun targets:

She was pretty good.  And she won the prize for best archery score, too! 

Dad and I purchased the very first new dressers our family has ever owned!  We found them on sale at IKEA, so we had to put them together.  The little ones got in on the action:


Our littlest buddy is making his presence known at the dinner table:

But he's not eating actual table food . . . just the table settings. :)

And M13 took some photos:

(I think he looks a little like he's wondering what on earth she's doing and why won't she pick him up.)
Everyone's home now.  We just have to finish some math and language arts to call our school year complete.


  1. He's so cute!

    That many helpers on one project drives me nuts! LOL

  2. Wow, that conservation camp sounds really neat! What a fun set of activities to work on! I wonder if our state offers something like that.

    Beautiful pictures!! :)

  3. Couldn't find your email and wanted to let you know we found out what we're having (boy/girl) today! It's a BOY. That puts us at 2 girls and 7 boys, with the last 6 in a row being boys. LOL!

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