One Thing Right

We are in the middle of buying the house I wrote about before.

It is a nightmare of paperwork and hoop-jumping.

School remains minimal--the older 4 are doing their independent math, reading, and writing.  S11 and J9 continue to work on NaNoWriMo.  We attend Explorer's Club meetings, extracurricular lessons, and church activities.  Preschool is nonexistent, and A6 is teaching herself how to write in cursive (M11 gave her some lessons, and I printed a template for her to copy).  The kids read whatever they can get their hands on--E13 recently read The Great Gilly Hopkins and is currently working on The Hero and the Crown.  I read aloud at night; we finished A Wrinkle in Time, read half of The Complete Peterkin Papers before giving up because they were too silly to even be funny, and we're in the middle of Milly-Molly-Mandy for the littles and Mama's Bank Account for us all.

Scripture study and devotionals have fallen by the wayside (except for evening family prayer and Book of Mormon reading) as I've been fielding phone calls and procuring paperwork at all hours of the day and night.

But at least my General Conference issue of the Ensign is here.  I'm reading and writing about one talk a day for my personal study.  After I do that, I read one inspiring quote to the family. 

If nothing else, the words of the prophets and apostles are being read and discussed in our home.

I count that as one thing I'm doing right in spite of the chaos threatening to take over.


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