
Showing posts from October, 2024

We Already Celebrated Halloween!

 Our church congregation decided to have our annual Chili Cook-off and Trunk-or-Treat early in the month.  This changed my plans for preparing Halloween costumes!!  In short order, I pulled together 6 costumes, and my older teens managed their own. Nature Angel as Eurydice from Hades Town Ladybug as Hazel Levesque from Heroes of Olympus Mister Man as Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus Baymax as Samheed Burkesh from The Unwanteds Lola as Florence, the giant ebony statue hero, from The Unwanteds And Beowulf, Little Princess, and Brother as Minions! I have always limited Halloween to one celebration, but this year with the church party being so early, I am unable to prevent other celebrations closer to or on the actual date.   So. Much. Candy. I'm not a fan. But Brother, Mister Man, and Beowulf have been invited to a Halloween party and trick-or-treat with a group of boys from their church group. And the 3 teen girls have been invited to another Halloween party and trick-or-treat w

From September to October

 All I really want to write is that we're just doing the same things--school, church activities, dance, work (Nature Angel and Sir Walter Scott), chores, park days, psych appointments, grocery shopping, cooking, dentist appointments, CAP, and so on and so forth. The week that I thought was going to be so beautiful that I tentatively planned to take a week off school to enjoy it turned out to be rainy and uncomfortable, so we just did regular school things. It's why I didn't write last week.  I could have.  But I just let the time slide. But there have been moments I should have captured. Our old fridge began to die, and we got a new one at the scratch and dent store.  The new one is huge and easy to use and quiet.   The fan in the old one went from making grinding, moaning noises intermittently to often to almost constantly, and while it made me slightly insane, it made Beowulf lose it completely. As in violent rages. Once I connected the rages to the fridge noises, Sir Wa