Little Princess sprained her other ankle, too. She was just walking to her seat at the dining room table to do some math when she lost her balance on the boot and tried to catch herself by putting out her healthy foot. It rolled. It popped. It hurt and bruised. When we took her back to the orthopedic office for her 2-week follow-up for the first sprain, they confirmed the second one. It's not as severe, but they offered her another boot because with neither ankle working correctly, she needs support. She refused. With the doc's approval, she's wearing a simple drugstore brace that has hard support. She limps all over the place, but when she doesn't think I'm looking, I see the strain of pain in her face. I am having to remind her often to rest with her feet up. That injury took place on Tuesday afternoon. On Friday evening, Lola came screaming into the house, clutching her face, blood seeping between her fingers. I cut butterfly bandages out of regular Band...