Island of The Blue Dolphins is Traumatizing

We finished the Florence Nightingale biography. We decided to read Island of the Blue Dolphins next because it's a great book and because it was referenced quite often in The Elephant's Girl . Everyone was primed to enjoy it, and we all are. But it is totally traumatizing! Disasters strike chapter after chapter after chapter. My kids are groaning, shouting, and kicking on the floor with frustration about the unfairness of Karana's life, and I'm exhausted from the soothing required. However, we're persevering. They can't stop talking about it. They're not even needing me to be part of the conversation. Sometimes I just have to stop reading and let them go. Sometimes I shush them and tell them to listen. Depends on the conversation happening. We've read book after book that has really reached the kids' hearts and minds, and I'm thinking I need to move this kind of reading to another part of the day and pull out some dry tomes for bedtime. I...