A Week, Briefly (4/19/21)

The biggest event of the week was this: That's Nature Angel's foot in a boot. Fractured a bone in her foot when she missed the bottom stair step on her way to dinner on Tuesday night. Then our babies were sick with mild colds that caused for lots and lots of snot and cuddles. A sweet church friend stopped by with a flower and a DVD case of Jane Austen movies to loan to Nature Angel while she had to rest. We all curled up on the couches together and watched a few of them--Nature Angel with her foot propped up and many of us with babies of various ages sleeping/sneezing/fussing in our laps. We have a new 17 month-old--Li'l K--who comes to our house to play for half days, 4 days a week. He is extraordinarily bright and extraordinarily sweet-natured. He is pure joy to have around. And we had a spring snow storm! This was at 7 am. The snow continued to fall in enormous wet flakes until 9 am. Then it melted magically away. Though we...