A Week, Briefly (11/19/18)
The week began with such a dreadful downward dip in coping skills for me that I was genuinely scared I wasn't going to make it. But I did. And I am better now than I was then. I am thankful for teens who stepped in and helped. I am thankful for Nature Angel who left me chocolate, a felt squirrel, and a love note in a hand-crocheted bag under my pillow. I am thankful for Sir Walter Scott who took the kids on endless outings to get them into the sunshine, keep their bodies and minds active, and give me white space. I am thankful for hourly--or minute-by-minute--prayer and daily scripture study. I am thankful for habits and routines so deeply ingrained that we function even when I am not functioning. I am thankful to have survived this week and to find that there might be sunshine in my soul again. We did more school than I anticipated. *Ladybug got 5 full mornings of one-on-one time with me. *The teens and I read a couple hundred pages of The Grapes of Wrat...